Spass mit Übersetzungen

Manchmal finden sich total lachhafte Übersetzungen auf allerhand Gegenständen, sei es nun die Nudelpackung, die Stereoanlage oder der neue Schrank. Kürzlich stiess ich auf dieses Juwel:

Intelligent Marble

Intelligence add Lucky


1. marble is a kind of game that is very modern now. it collects exciment fasciration. it’s a very interestin game. It can not only train lover’s skill and intelligence but also is a best way for lover to make friedds. It’s an intelligent game for a family to be a happy field. Spring your miracle, competition your level.

2. You’ll surpass yourself intelligence and skill through a sernies of intelligent competition actions, competition your intelligence and your skill. participate in together. Play ways. (1) The two parties will judge winning or losing, according to the highest grand total. The one who get thehighest grade is a big winner, (2) Before a game begins, players may also engage to shoot the five provided plastic teased peart early or late getting the grand total. We winner according to how many points it can reach.

Preisfrage: Um was für ein Spiel handelt es sich?

Über Anima Chutzpanit

In der Schweiz geboren, 2002 nach Israel ausgewandert.
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